If you’re an employee, you’ve probably had some good bosses and some who weren’t. And if you are the boss or an employer, you know how difficult that can be. Fortunately, there’s a book that’ll help you become the best boss you can be. So, let’s take a peek at what the Bible says to employers. First, employers are to serve their employees. In Matthew 20:26, Jesus said, “Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant.” Far too often, employers concentrate on producing a profit at the expense of their staff. However, the Bible tells employers to balance making a profit with treating staff fairly and with genuine dignity. “[Employers, grant your employees] justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a Master in heaven” (Colossians 4:1).A godly employer also is to pay a fair wage. Malachi 3:5 doesn’t mince words: “God will judge those who oppress the wage earner in his wages.” Ouch! I’ve seen this firsthand. A friend owned a thriving business, but he became greedy and started paying unfair wages. The last time I talked to him, his company was almost bankrupt.Another responsibility is to be a good communicator. Make sure employees know what’s expected on the job. Regularly evaluate their performance and…