What God’s Word Says About Your Money and Identity

Your identity is everything. What you believe about who you are determines how you will behave. For example, if you believe that you are a successful person, you will have a more confident posture and walk compared to a person with low self-esteem. One of the most important things for a person to know is his identity. As a matter of fact, a whole movie sequel entitled “Bourne Identity” was made about this. A man named Jason Bourne had amnesia and he didn’t remember who he was. The story revolved around him trying to figure out his real identity. How Do You Define Your Identity If you’re a Christian, you will notice that the way the world determines your identity sharply contrast the way the Bible does. Many people today find their identity through accumulation wealth and materials possessions. Some are also tempted to base their identity not only in what they have but also in the work they do. According to the world system, a person’s identity is tied to what they do for a living or how much they have in their bank account. Success or a failure is a matter of what you can observe on the…


Developing a Giving Heart with Eternity in Mind

“Life is short. You only live once.” You’ve probably heard this cliché before and you can take it in positive or negative light. You can either be carelessly adventurous with your decisions without thinking of the consequences, or you can be mindful of every choice you make because you understand that anything you do will have an impact on your future, and more importantly, your eternity. You see, how we look at how long we live in the world impacts the way we manage our resources. God has given us time, talents, and treasures; all of which have value and can be used to benefit others, or simply consumed for selfish interests. We don’t know how long we will last here on earth but the book of Psalms often uses words like “fleeting,” “nothing,” “breath,” and “phantom” to describe man’s life. Our life on earth is but a tiny speck compared to the timeline of eternity. Many of Jesus’ parables remind us of keeping an eternal perspective. What the Bible says about having treasures? Luke 12:32-34 says, “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.Sell your possessions and give to the…


How to Teach Children God’s Way on Handling Money [Infographic]

Parents are our first teachers. If you have children, your kids look up to you for your advice and consider you as their role models. Everything you and your child do together will be important lessons that will help them grow into faithful stewards of all the resources God gives to them. Check out this infographic on how you can teach your children God's way of handling money.


How to Battle a Consumer-Driven Culture with a Christ-Centred Mindset

We live in a consumer-driven culture where most people are in pursuit of material possessions. We’ve been accustomed to people trying to get noticed in social media with all the new things they have bought. Older people call the young people today as the ‘Selfie’ generation. It’s said that this generation thinks everything is about them and the world owes them a lifestyle of instant indulgence.We’re all familiar with the sales pitch telling us to ‘buy now, pay later’. Modern consumerism tells us we can get things instantly; we just have to swipe our credit card and worry about paying later. To avoid falling from this deception, we need to understand that God’s Word is full of instructions on how to handle our finances. We need to dig deep and prayerfully meditate on godly principles that will help us overcome the ongoing trend of our consumer-driven culture. Here are five things you need to put in your heart to be a Christ-centred steward of your finances. 1. God owns everything; you get to be the steward. It’s tempting to think that because we worked hard for our pay cheques, we’re the one’s who own every cent of it so we…


How to Create A Budget [Infographic]

One of the most important financial habits you need to have is knowing how to create a budget. Benjamin Franklin supposedly once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Simply defined, a budget is the plan on how to spend your money wisely. The goal is to spend less than what you earn so you won't fall into debt. Having a financial plan will guide you in reaching your goals. This infographic will give you the steps on how to create a budget.


Top Six Money Management Lessons and How to Effectively Teach Them to Your Children

We all know how important financial stewardship is in a person’s life. The world is full of examples of people who haven’t handled money the right way and paid for the consequences dearly. If you’re a parent, you want to teach your children how to become financially savvy while they’re young. Parents are the number one influence on their children’s financial behaviours. It’s up to you to raise a generation of wise consumers, investors, savers, and givers. The Bible has a lot to say regarding how we should be using our money. This means we should be teaching these financial principles to our children and teaching them at least the basics of personal money management. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” It’s never too early to start teaching your children about managing money. Below are the top lessons to help your child learn how to manage money, as well as activities that you can do to effectively teach them: 1. Work: Money is a fruit of your labour. When children see cash simply pop out of the ATM, they think that we have…


Basic Biblical Principles About Giving [Infographic]

You may have heard the saying "It is better to give than to receive." That is actually a verse written in the Bible in Acts 20:35. Most people believe that giving or sharing to someone in need is a noble thing to do. For many Christians, giving should be a lifestyle since the Lord himself is the ultimate model for giving. If we are to give, we need to understand that we need to do it God's way. Here's an infographic that explains the basic biblical principles about giving.


7 Simple Principles of Financially Competent People

The holiday rush is over and a new year has just begun. It’s a good time to take a look at where you are financially and check your financial goals for the New Year. This is a fresh start for you and a chance to be wiser on the way you handle your money. If you had some setbacks last year, this year gives you a chance to apply all the lessons you’ve learned so you’ll be in better financial shape. The Bible is the best source of information when it comes to financial stewardship. Here are a few principles to follow so you can have a great start in 2018. 1. Be faithful in your tithe. God is a giver, not a taker. So you ask, why do I have to give 10% of my income to him? Hebrews 11:6 says “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” The portion that God asks from us is to make sure that our trust and dependence is on him not on money. It allows us to exercise our “faith…


Your Money Map – Destination 7

Finding your way to a travel destination requires a map and the same is going to be true for reaching your financial destination. The Money Map is a step-by-step guide to help you save, create a budget, get out of debt, and leave a lasting legacy. The practical principles in Your Money Map are powerful and life-changing because are they based on the Bible. It will steer you toward wise money management through seven financial destinations anyone can reach. Here's an infographic that described what happens when you reach Destination 7. Recommended Materials Your Money Counts Book Navigating Your Finances God’s Way Study Guide Related Articles Your Money Map – Destination 1 Your Money Map - Destination 2 Your Money Map - Destination 3 Your Money Map - Destination 4 Your Money Map - Destination 5 Your Money Map - Destination 6 Your Money Map - Destination 7