What God’s Word Says About Your Money and Identity
Your identity is everything. What you believe about who you are determines how you will behave. For example, if you believe that you are a successful person, you will have a more confident posture and walk compared to a person with low self-esteem. One of the most important things for a person to know is his identity. As a matter of fact, a whole movie sequel entitled “Bourne Identity” was made about this. A man named Jason Bourne had amnesia and he didn’t remember who he was. The story revolved around him trying to figure out his real identity. How Do You Define Your Identity If you’re a Christian, you will notice that the way the world determines your identity sharply contrast the way the Bible does. Many people today find their identity through accumulation wealth and materials possessions. Some are also tempted to base their identity not only in what they have but also in the work they do. According to the world system, a person’s identity is tied to what they do for a living or how much they have in their bank account. Success or a failure is a matter of what you can observe on the…