If you’re feeling the pinch right now, you’re not alone. According to OECD Data, Australian household debt is the fourth largest in the world.
How did we get here?
In an informal Compass survey, 85% of respondents said their church hadn’t preached on money in over a year.
However, there are 2,350 verses on the topic of money (more than any other topic) in the Bible, and Jesus used money as a framework for nearly 50% of His parables.
‘Compass – finances God’s way’ launched in Australia on October 14th, with a God sized vision to see everyone, in Australia, faithfully living by God’s financial principles in every area of their lives.
Three anchor scriptures connect the dots between what the Bible says and what Compass does:
1. 1 Chronicles 29:11-12 (God owns everything, and our role is to be financially faithful and obedient stewards);
2. John 15:1-17 (we are to be grafted into Christ and bear much fruit, yet our financial decisions impact significantly the intimacy of our relationship with Jesus);
3. Matthew 28:18-20 (the Great Commission – Jesus command was to go make disciples and teach them to obey all I’ve commanded. This includes the money parts).
Compass offers a range of small group studies that encourage people to experience a more intimate fellowship with Christ and to learn and apply God’s way of handling money, so they’ll become financially and spiritually healthier.
Compass provides a range of resources and tools at www.compass1.org.au and www.compassebooks.org.au to help people on their financial journey.
The Compass model is unique.
1. Biblical knowledge is a core capability. Compass’s ministry model, by design, is structured to emulate the way Jesus did it.
2. Commitment to serve – defined as time. It’s a continuous journey, to help others (and ourselves) establish and sustain new habits and routines. It’s the process of changing a heart to change a life.
3. Pure motive. The core message is consistent with Paul’s focus in Philippians 4:10-20. It’s all about Christ and doing what He commands. And the approach to giving and Gospel Patron support is consistent with how Paul addresses giving in verse 17.
4. Pursuing eternal, Biblical outcomes. With the ultimate goal – to hear “Well done, good and faithful servant” the day we meet Jesus. All the programs, products, and money management progress are important, but in the end they’re just noise if people don’t finish well.
5. Multiplication Mindset. In the Great Commission, Jesus directs us to go and make disciples, and to teach others to obey everything He commands us to do. It’s a privilege to be called as a steward and as a disciple of Jesus Christ, and a job that bears much fruit for the Kingdom. It’s what servant leaders do.
More than ever, Australians (and the world) need to know and understand God’s plan for our lives, and that includes our finances. Visit www.compass1.org.au to get started.