“The less I spent on myself and the more I gave to others,
the fuller of happiness and blessing did my soul become.”
Hudson Taylor
Talking with folks, there is usually one of several topics that come up: the economy, the stock market, the unemployment rate or the national debt. If I were to describe the feelings and emotions of the people I have talked to, the words “joy” and “happiness” probably would not be used.
As a follower of Jesus, I know through John 10:10 that Jesus comes to give life and life to the fullest, and that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. When my joy and happiness are regulated by the economy, the stock market, the national debt, etc., then I am letting the thief “win.” We should always be aware of what is going on in our world and country, but that awareness shouldn’t dictate how we feel throughout our daily lives. Our relationship with Jesus should dictate that.
There are many ways to spiritually combat “the things that steal, kill and destroy;” being in Christian community and being in God’s word on a regular basis are two examples. As I came across Hudson Taylor’s quote one morning I found another one: focusing less on me and giving more to the needs of others.
Through my giving journey, I have always experienced joy. But I had never thought of it as a way to combat the “thief.” What a great and practical way to experience the joy of the One who gives us life to the fullest!
I pray that if you are struggling to find joy and happiness in your life, you will look to Jesus—the One who created joy and happiness, and is the giver of fullness of life.
God Bless,
Kyle Hasbrouck, Chief Content Officer