What's Your Story
Since 2011, Pastor Cam has served as the Pastoral Care Pastor at Clontarf Beach Baptist Church. But getting to this point has been a remarkable journey. Originally from Sydney, Cam has successfully owned and operated a range of small businesses both in Papua New Guinea and here in Australia. His interests were mainly in restaurants and hotels, but also with brief stints in dairy farming and indoor cricket.
Cam was married to Judi for 36 years, before being widowed in 2003. They had two sons. Cam’s life took a further downward turn when a business venture failed, causing him to lose everything. And he turned to alcohol. A miraculous “God moment” blessed him with sobriety, which he has maintained, with God’s help, to this day. He credits a Bible-study (now 9-session Navigating Your Finances God’s Way) he attended in 2004 at Bridgeman Baptist Community Church with radically changing his life. The study was about managing your finances God’s way and, through that experience, Cam came into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ, which gave him purpose and direction, and the chance to get his life back on track. Cam continued attending Bridgey until being part of a team that planted The Grove Baptist Community Church.
Sensing the call of God to prepare for pastoral ministry, Cam studied at Malyon College from 2006 to 2010, attaining a Bachelor of Ministry. The next year, he moved into his current role at Clontarf. Because of his own personal experience of God’s power to transform lives, Cam is a passionate advocate for Compass – finances God’s way.
Cam remarried in 2007, and now he and Anita are “Dad” and “Mum” to Anita’s 19-year-old grand-daughter, Deni. – Pastor Cam
This short course (now 9-session Navigating Your Finances God’s Way) was one of the best I have ever had the opportunity to lead. Eight of us met each Monday night for a number of weeks to learn and apply what the Bible teaches about managing finances.
We were all amazed at how much the Bible speaks about money and the importance of giving to the Lord, working towards getting out of debt and having a saving plan. We prayed for each other during the week and when we met, each of us spoke of how we had been challenged with how we spend our money. We then committed ourselves to making changes, some fairly drastic, with our finances. Personally, although it has been many years since I led this study I still apply the principles in my life and have been able to give to the Lord regularly, pay off my mortgage and car loan, bless others and have stayed true to my saving plan.
At the end of the course we were all saddened that it had come to an end, and over twenty years later we still have contact with each other, though there are now long distances between us. If there is one Bible study course every Christian must do, this is it. – Reverend Neil
Gary and Teresa
The greatest thing we learned from reading Howard Dayton’s Your Money Counts, came in a question that we now ask ourselves regularly: “Lord, what would you have us do?”
In 2012 we wrestled with the idea of selling a home that we really enjoyed, to further reduce our mortgage debt. So we asked the Lord “what would you have us do?” Our sense was not to put it up for sale, or tell anyone we were selling it. If the Lord wanted us to sell it- he would have to send a buyer to our “front door”.
So you can imagine our astonishment when we got a call from a realtor, asking if we would be interested in selling our house- she had a buyer! When our home officially sold, we felt incredible joy. We also realized that obediently following the Lord’s desires for us, and not relying on our own wants, glorified Him!
We were able to personally experience the wonderful quote from missionary Jim Elliot, “God always gives His best to those who leave the choice to Him.” – Gary & Teresa
Nick & Julie
Before the Compass study (now 9-week Navigating Your Finances God’s way) we had more than $500,000 in debt. Our lives were full of anxiety, discontentment and unfulfillment pursuing a lifestyle well above our income level. The Compass study and the Compass Money Map put us on a course to give generously, reduce spending and eliminate all debt in 15 years. We started the journey of being “faithful in little” and then we watched the Lord miraculously provide, helping us eliminate a half a million dollars of debt in less than 7 years! No telling where we’d be today if we not taken the Compass study. – Nick & Julie
Ken and Sharon
The most significant impact in taking the Compass study (now 9-week Navigating Your Finances God’s way) was it led me (Ken) to surrendering my life to Jesus Christ and having a personal relationship with Him! Every relationship, especially our marriage of 38 years was dramatically transformed as a result. Coming into it, we thought this would just be another tool to learn how to be better money managers, but God had so much more in mind! It was a Christ-center, bible-based, prayer-driven and discipleship-focused study where each week God’s word continued to reveal a new path for us. It was the catalyst to reveal our true purpose, changed the trajectory of our lives, and gave us sense of peace and contentment that only God could provide. – Ken and Sharon
Maverick and JuLee
As a Quality Engineer, I made a very good salary which allowed JuLee to be a stay-at-home Mom. With a small house, one car, and “manageable” debt we felt we were doing everything right. Then, through one of the Compass studies, we learned what the Bible said about finances and started applying the principles right away. We had some ups and downs but God was so faithful providing a way to be debt-free, including the home mortgage in only eight years! God has truly blessed us as we sought to obey His words; all of them, especially those dealing with finances. Over the years we’ve had the opportunity share with many others God’s financial principles, including our kids. Now as adults they have no other debt beyond their home mortgage. We’re so grateful for Compass and the impact it’s had on our family’s legacy. – Maverick & JuLee
Pastor Brad & Andrea
When we learned what the Bible said about money in the Compass Study (now the 9 week Navigating Your Finances God’s way) we began a journey of living on a spending plan and paid off all debts including our mortgage in only 7 years! Four years after becoming totally debt-free, the company where I (Brad) worked cut all salaries more than 25%. Many colleagues their sold homes or declared bankruptcy and some even divorced their spouses. Staying faithful to what we learned about through the Compass study, God carried us through those rough times. We serve in ministry today, having learned by experience that the most long-lasting fruit comes from those taking this study and not what I have taught them from the podium. – Pastor Brad & Andrea
Kyle & Danielle
We went through the financial small group study by Howard Dayton (now the 9 week Navigating Your Finances God’s way) in 2001 that significantly impacted our lives. First, it made us realize God’s ownership of everything and resulted in a more intimate relationship with Him. The freedom we experienced was amazing! Financially, we wanted to dramatically increase our giving and set a 5-year goal to pay off the house we had just purchased. With God’s help we did both…gave generously and saw the house paid off in 4 years and 3 months! The last 17 years, the Lord has allowed us to increase our giving every year, even when we transitioned to another ministry and did not receive a salary for 7 months. Although this was challenging, finances didn’t dictate God’s calling on our lives. We had the privilege to adopt two beautiful and amazing kids, purchased a new home for our growing family (with cash!) and been able to host others with need in our community for weeks or months at a time. Can’t imagine what life would look like if we had not learned Gods financial principles in the Compass study! –Kyle & Danielle