Your Money Map – Destination 2

The money map is easy to follow and is a step by step guide that will work for you regardless of your income. The infographic below describes what Destination 2 is all about. Recommended Materials Your Money Counts Book Navigating Your Finances God’s Way Study Guide Related Articles Your Money Map – Destination 1 Your Money Map - Destination 2 Your Money Map - Destination 3 Your Money Map - Destination 4 Your Money Map - Destination 5 Your Money Map - Destination 6 Your Money Map - Destination 7  


Taking Care of Other’s Property

In Luke 16:1-16, Jesus shared the Parable of the Shrewd Manager. In this story, there was a manager who got fired by his master because he was accused of wasting his master’s possessions. Jesus asked those who were listening to him, “If you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?” If you are to ask this question to yourself, I wonder what your answer will be. Many times, we wonder why we can’t just get a break and get that promotion at work. Maybe there are times we are confused why we can’t get out of debt. If you feel that people don’t take you seriously anymore, maybe it’s time you need to take an honest look at how you’ve been handling the things that have been entrusted to you. Can You Be Trusted? If you’re an employee, the company has entrusted you with its resources and has agreed to compensate you for every hour you work for them. Are you coming to work on time, or are you always late? Are you doing your best to hit your company’s goals, or do you often roam around the office and just…


Your Money Map – Destination 1

The money map is easy to follow and is a step by step guide that will work for you regardless of your income. Recommended Materials Your Money Counts Book Navigating Your Finances God’s Way Study Guide Related Articles Your Money Map – Destination 1 Your Money Map - Destination 2 Your Money Map - Destination 3 Your Money Map - Destination 4 Your Money Map - Destination 5 Your Money Map - Destination 6 Your Money Map - Destination 7  


The One Guaranteed Investment

The Bible tells us that when the first man Adam, disobeyed his Creator God, sin entered the world and this condition was passed to all humankind to come. The consequence of sin is separation from God in this life and for all eternity. Here are some verses which confirm these facts:

Isaiah 59:2 “Your sin has separated you from your God.”

Romans 5:12 tells us, “Just as sin entered the world through one man (Adam), and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all have sinned.”




Financial Wellness Practical ways to significantly reduce debt on mortgages, credit cards and insurances. Business Wellness Practical tips on business management, ASIC levies, insurances and succession planning. Investments & Retirement Wellness A thorough look at the various investment options available to people today, danger signs and non-commission driven support.



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