Christmas Spending Reminders From The Bible [Infographic]

Christmas is a season of giving but we need to be careful on how we spend so we won't enter the new year in debt. As much as we would like to lavish our loved ones with extravagant presents, Christmas is really about God loving us so much that He came to the world to save us from our sins. Check out the infographic below for a few Christmas spending reminders from the Bible.


What The Bible Says About Greed And How To Avoid It [Infographics]

Being rich and famous is not sinful. However, any obsession with anything other than God is sinful and is displeasing to Him. Jesus taught against greed and commanded us not to store up treasures on earth, but in heaven. The Bible has many warnings for those whose life ambition is to be rich. Being greed especially with material wealth has a way of taking our eyes off of what’s important and eternal. We should not make fame and fortune a primary pursuit in life. Rather, we should make glorifying God our primary goal.


Biblical Advice We Need To Teach Our Kids About Money [Infographic]

If you are a parent, you are responsible for teaching and training your children how to handle money. This could be an overwhelming task because you might still be just learning it yourself or you just don't know how to start. The Bible has a lot to save about financial stewardship and parenting, and we would like to share some practical tips on how you can get started. Check out this infographic below.


Biblical Reminders on Investment [Infographic]

The Bible tells us a story of stewards who multiplied their talents in Matthew 25:14-2. They were commended by their master for their good work and were also entrusted with more talents. Investing is a strategic process to multiply the resources God has given us to provide for our current and future needs. It is also a means to increase what we have available to advance God’s kingdom.  


Four Ways How Not To Handle Money [Infographic]

The Bible gives us several warnings on how to stay out of financial troubles. We are considered to be stewards of God's blessing and we need to make sure that we avoid the common errors that people do in managing their wealth. Check out our infographic below on four ways how not to handle money.


What Can We Learn From Disasters [Infographic]

Adversities often strike when we least expect it. We need to understand that when it happens, it is the time we need to hold on to our faith and hope the most. The Bible teaches us that even in times of calamities, we can learn and grow from the situation as long as we have the right perspective. Here are four things we can learn from natural disasters.