We’re almost one month into the new year, and by now you’ve had time to hang the new wall calendar, begin your new one-year study Bible and reconsider most of your New Year’s resolutions. Let’s start by taking a look at what the Bible says about saving and giving.
In Proverbs 21:20, wise King Solomon wrote, “The wise man saves for the future; the foolish man spends whatever he gets.” Saving is simply not spending everything today, so you’ll have something to spend in the future. It’s legitimate to save and invest for things like taking care of your family, providing for retirement and investing for your children’s education.
But we need to balance saving and investing with being generous, because if we just focus on piling up our investments, that’s where our heart is going to be drawn. Luke 12:34 says, “For where your treasure is there is your heart also.” The Bible consistently encourages us to keep our heart focused on loving and serving the Lord. So it is incredibly important to balance saving with giving. I’m going to suggest something pretty radical. I believe we should be giving as much as we contribute to our savings and investments each year to protect our hearts.
In Love,
Howard Dayton, Founder